Contact Us

Do you have a suggestion? Do you need any help? This is the right place to be.

We are always happy to be in contact with our readership. Whether it's candid feedback, a quick question, or a list of suggestions, all are very welcome.

In case you need any additional information about the products we review or the process we do, our team is happy to assist you.

Contact details:

info (@) get-translator. com (please make sure you remove additional symbols and gaps).

It usually takes 3-5 business days to hear back from us.

Our physical company address: Tartu mnt 67/1-13b Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Estonia.

Please note that this website operates as a marketplace - we are not responsible for the product returns, product quality, product-related support, or shipping terms. If you encounter any specific product or service related issues, please get in touch with the direct store the product or service has been bought from.